Monday, April 27, 2020

Microfiction: Inspired by a Photo

Author's Note:

For these microfictions, I found a random picture generator online. It gave me the following photo:

via Pixabay

Two-Sentence, Six-Word Story: Word Count 6

"Don't lie. Who's my real dad?"

Twitterarature: Character Count 119/140

Lionel Mouster @Fairly_Odd_Predator
So uh... I just found my birth certificate? Explains so much.
#Wild #ReallyMom #MixedKid #TruthCanBeStrangerThanFiction

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jessica,

    I think this is a really creative idea to find inspiration for a story. I like the first story, it is fun and incorporates two of the microfiction formats perfectly. The twitter format was very interesting, I really liked all the hashtag choices you made.
